Create a custom trained AI assistant for your business or website using your own content, support docs, PDF's, API, database or plugins. Then add it to your website with a single line of code to respond to your visitors questions in real-time.
OranScribe is a Content Creation platform that offers a seamless writing experience. From ideation to final output with AI-powered flows.
LaPrompt is an innovative AI Art Gallery, offering a wide range of unique AI-generated images from top tools like Midjourney, DALLE 3, Lexica, and Leonardo AI. Easily browse, view prompts, customize, and start creating your own AI art.
FUZE is an app that allows you to store and share your life's games and precious memories. Create your own TOP 10 lists with a database of console games from all generations and discover the joy of finding gamers with similar tastes.
Manage the E2E Estimation Cycle of your software development. Have detailed, grounded estimates, automatically calculated, with scale and standardization. Create a estimation components and tasks catalog Generate estimations based on artificial intelligence.
Betii is the an AI support phone receptionist for your Shopify store that turn visitors into buyers, and buyers into repeat customers on autopilot, 24/7.