Ogma is an interpretable, continuously learning, symbolic General Problem-Solving Model (GPSM). Ogma is based on symbolic sequence modelling paradigm for solving tasks that require reliability, complex decomposition, without hallucinations.
Bringing your documents to life with SKIM AI! Click 'Ask Skim' on any Google Drive document to chat and get instant answers. No downloading or uploading—just click and ask away. Experience effortless study sessions with minimal effort and maximum efficiency
AI or Not is an AI detector trusted by 100k+ users that checks for AI generated content in images, audio, KYC identity documents and more. We help businesses stop fraud, power content moderation and prevent KYC scams.
The virtual assistant that basically hates everything, except brightening up your day 😉 Grumpy Chad doesn't like humans with their trivial problems. He is tired, grumpy and completely politically incorrect, which results in hilarious conversations.
FlyCode's payment optimization and failed payment recovery technology is powered by ML and AI to stop payment failures before they happen, recover lost revenue, and reduce passive churn. Start increasing revenue today with zero integration!
Connect your knowledge base to Inline Help for an in-app assistant that generates support on the fly. Enjoy real-time explanations, interactive tooltips, a chatbot, streamlined ticket responses, and a comprehensive search function, all in one widget.