With our Chinese Feng Shui online calculation tool combined with AI intelligent analysis, accurately predict Chinese Feng Shui energy to help optimize your living or business environment, enhancing fortune and well-being.
Spirio AI is a personal assistant bringing the power of LLMs to every one. Unlike chatbots, Spirio AI gets to know YOU, securely acts on YOUR data, and functions as a personal life assistant.
Upload a photo and become a PS2 character in seconds. Share your new look on social media and go viral! Bring back the nostalgic retro gaming vibe.
Wanderboat is a travel platform using AI to find and sort the best point of interest with videos, images, and insights. From signature dishes to photo spots, you can ask questions freely in-chat, in-document, or on-map for personalized travel experiences.
Media Vault is the first purpose-built data asset management platform designed for generative AI. Store, search, and organize your cross-platform generative AI assets, along with their correlated prompts and metadata, in one secure and centralized tool.
ToolQuix is your go-to solution for custom AI chatbots designed to improve customer interactions. Whether you're in healthcare, e-commerce, real estate, or any other industry, our tailored chatbots provide intelligent, efficient, & seamless communication.