Upload digital screenshots of your chess games to get the best moves and analysis! Future plans include developing an interface for a contract between two chess players that limits the number of times each can use the prediction engine.
Any Erase allows on-device removal of obstacles from your photos. Retouch areas of the image. Automatic AI detection of possible persons or objects present in the photo. Your photos never leaves your device. Add watermark to your photos.
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SnapVault is a service that lets anyone easily save and manage data through taking photos and capturing screenshot. Buiild your own personal database in the simplest way possible. Use your data to create app services or chatbots. Our first beta version offers basic functionality. But we're on a journey to evolve into a knowledge-based social service that goes beyond simple data storage and utilization. You'll be able to share and collaborate with others, building knowledge together.
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In the innovative eBook, readers are introduced to a unique and interactive approach to mastering data science. This resource stands out as a comprehensive "Collection of Questions" covering a wide array of data science topics.
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