UseShorts Introduction
Welcome to UseShorts, the ultimate tool for repurposing your YouTube channel and posting on autopilot. UseShorts allows you to connect your YouTube channel, and with the help of Shorts AI, it automatically creates and posts viral clips from your videos. With no credit card required, you can start experiencing the benefits of auto-clipping and posting right away.
UseShorts Features
Automatic Clip Generation
Shorts monitors your connected YouTube channel and automatically creates clips from the videos you upload. It posts 2 clips to YouTube Shorts per day, ensuring your audience is constantly engaged with new content.
Active Speaker Detection
Videos are cropped or resized to always highlight the active speaker in the generated clips, making sure your content is as engaging as possible.
Subtitles are automatically added to all videos generated. UseShorts supports 16 languages including English, Hindi, and Spanish.
Supports Gaming and Tutorial Videos
Gaming videos and explainer tutorials are also supported, as long as there is a voice speaking in the video.
Email Notifications
Email notifications will be sent to you whenever videos are scheduled, giving you the chance to review the clips before they are posted.
UseShorts Plans
For just $15 a month, UseShorts will clip your videos and post automatically every second day. This plan includes ~15 clips per month.
For $20 a month, UseShorts will clip your videos and post automatically every day. This plan includes ~30 clips per month.
Double Growth
For $30 a month, UseShorts will clip your videos and post automatically twice a day. This plan includes ~60 clips per month.
UseShorts Testimonials
"UseShorts has been a wonderful service that has helped me grow my channel. It helps out a lot, especially if you are regularly busy."
"UseShorts allows me to post interesting YouTube content daily with almost no effort to access new viewers that wouldn't normally find my channel."
"UseShorts has been incredibly helpful for my channel and its growth during downtime. It has boosted my audience range and allowed them to see parts of my actual videos in quick, short-form content."
UseShorts FAQs
When is the first clip uploaded?
After signing up, the first clip will be created and scheduled within 15-30 minutes.
How do I make sure UseShorts doesn't upload clips I don't like?
UseShorts sends you an email when videos have been scheduled to your YouTube channel. This gives you a chance to cancel the scheduled uploads if you don't like them.
How do I connect a YouTube channel?
When logged in, you can connect your YouTube channel with a single click.
How many clips are uploaded a day?
The number of clips uploaded per day depends on your plan.
Will UseShorts grow my audience?
If you consistently post short-form clips on YouTube Shorts every day, chances are you will most likely grow your audience.