DoryAI is a more natural and intuitive way to review and retain new knowledge. Easily generate flashcards based on your own course materials, answer in your own voice and get personalized, constructive feedback that helps you build confidence.
Explore Westworld. Role play in thousands of AI-generated interactive stories and games and collect pictures of your Idols. Add your own scenarios, games and AI Idols with just a few lines of text. NOTE: Mature themes and 18+ only.
We’re the superhuman AI assistant for dense PDFs. No gimmicks. Chat with any PDF and get the highest quality responses. Compare us to other existing "chat pdf" websites—and see the difference.
Revscale Sales™ empowers entrepreneurs, small businesses, and enterprises to accelerate their time-to-market and their revenues. Acting as an AI-powered cofounder, Revscale efficiently delivers qualified prospects within the target market to your sales teams
Zenqira's platform democratizes access to high-performance AI training capabilities, making it affordable and scalable for both newcomers and established businesses.