Indesignify: Supercharge your interior designs with AI. Instantly create prototypes, customize rules, and transform any space in seconds. Try our free demo!
Unlimited free beautiful stock photos and images. An AI version of Unsplash all the images are generated by AI
Compas AI helps tech enthusiasts identify and pursue the best tech skills for their careers. By analyzing academic, socio-activity and psychometric traits, it offers personalized guidance to overcome confusion about learning resources and collaboration.
OpenTranslationAI leverages AI to provide human-like, flawless translations across languages. Break linguistic barriers effortlessly with our advanced platform.
In Euphoria Stories you play through interactive visual stories. At key moments the game prompts you to choose how the plot should continue. There are predefined choices, but you can also input anything you want and AI will pick up from there!
We're building infinite memory for the world's smartest people. Sidekic is an AI assistant that helps you automatically save, tag, and organize the best resources you find on the web and easily share them in playlists called starterpacs :)
NewOaks AI is a chatbot builder by custom ChatGPT that can engage with your clients through Text SMS like Google Voice and Twilio, autoreply missed calls, and make appointments automatically 24X7.