Where Imagination Meets Intelligence: Dive into a world of AI-driven characters for limitless exploration. From friendly AI chatbots and cooking recipes to image, video and music generation. ChatterBox is your one-stop solution for all your AI needs.
Aikitfinder.com, your ultimate destination for discovering and exploring the vast world of AI tools, websites, and apps. With a curated collection of over 15,000 tools, we are your go-to marketplace for all things AI.
Aptitude is an end-to-end customer research platform that uses AI-moderated interviews to provide deep customer insight in just hours. This allows teams to gather more customer feedback easily, and make smarter product decisions.
Connect your knowledge base to Inline Help for an in-app assistant that generates support on the fly. Enjoy real-time explanations, interactive tooltips, a chatbot, streamlined ticket responses, and a comprehensive search function, all in one widget.
A weekend hack of Infinite craft built by neil.fun a mini game where you can combine words together to make new stuff up.