Learn anything faster and smarter with learning paths, lecture notes, and quizzes that generate themselves.
Upload your photo, a structure image, and a style image to see your art come to life in seconds. It’s that simple.
Streamline your workflow with AI-powered chats on a collaborative whiteboard, giving you the flexibility to take your productivity to the next level.
An AI tool that makes short-form content designed to go viral. Turn your script to an engaging video in 1 minute, ready to be posted onto TikTok, IG Reels, YT Shorts, etc...
Upload indoor photos or design sketches, and with only a natural language description, you can generate high-quality interior design renderings in various styles based on the reference images
This app was created to help people understand what someone with anxiety is going through during a messaging conversation. We simulate a conversation as yourself with your friend who has anxiety. You are provided info on their thoughts and on your messages.
Outset helps you fit movement into your busy day - stress-free. We sync with your calendar, adapt to the weather, and suggest indoor and outdoor activities that fit your routine. Plus, invite friends, match workout times, and stay motivated together!