AI Mailer is the ultimate bulk email blasting and marketing software, it AI Mailer offers a seamless experience for managing and executing large-scale email campaigns with industry certified Inboxing ratio of more than 90%, certified by validity™.
Marauder let's you privately track and search everywhere you have been. Your location data never leaves your phone to ensure the highest level of privacy.
Designed to be the first SaaS product for the 50% of undigitized businesses around the world, DOER Business brings together AI business coaches, an online digital storefront with offers and products, basic CRM functionality and more for just $5 a month.
Wireshape is an Open Enterprise Blockchain Network and AI solutions for global product data and supply chain management, enhancing traceability, authenticity, and efficiency.
A semantics-based platform for modeling software components, systems, and flows, building software from models, and leveraging AI where applicable to fill in implementation details. Also contains an IDP link to deploy services, monitor, etc.
Discover the enchanting world of virtual romance with our innovative chat app. Connect with a diverse set of virtual partners and explore exciting conversations featuring an array of fun and fascinating topics that cater to your interests.