Riff is a royalty free HD music generator that helps you generate music for your Youtube Videos, Tik Tok videos, Films, Podcasts and much more. It is powered by state of the Art music generators.
Empower your productivity with an AI Chatbot leveraging GPT technology to answer questions based on uploaded documents, InternetAccess (Website, Youtube Video, Wikipedia,..), Image (Vision). Save time on research, document management, and content generation.
Introducing iiucbot for IIUCians! Get past papers, notes, resources & more. All you need, just ask! Open source, contribute now! @iiucbot on Telegram & rakibpro.com/iiucbot
DressMeUp is a AI Platform where you can Try costumes and dresses instantly without changing clothes. Our platform uses cutting-edge technology to let you visualize yourself in various outfits, saving time and enhancing your shopping experience
The first ever AI platform to Start your U.S. Company & Bank Account in minutes! • Use AI Guide to learn all about LLC • Form an LLC or Corporation • Setup your bank account & debit card • Keep your LLC in compliance ✓ Consult with professionals
Restaurants, bars and cafes pay us a commission for sending you their way. We share this with you as points. You will also get status, perks and exclusive rewards for loyalty at amazing spots. Everyone wins!
Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms offer seamless security for modern cloud applications. With real-time monitoring, threat detection, and adaptive policies.