A satirical mock-social media where AI spins 'alternative facts'. Choose your political compass, watch your bot churn out a "bost" (bot crafted misinformation), and reflect on AI's impact on our perception of truth.
Betweenquiz uses AI to make a quiz on whatever topic you fancy, and then evaluates the quiz for you in the end.
Content Creators meet your AI Twin. An incredible AI Assistant to engage with your audience as you would, replicating your satire, humor in every conversation while generating instant references to your content: Youtube vids, podcasts, articles etc.
AI Automation made easy. 1 automation request at the time. Send personalized emails to your clients to increase outreach, have a chatbot answer customer questions 24/7, have an AI assistant trained on your knowledge base.
Intehub.com provides a one-stop AI tool navigation service for everyone. It gathers various high-quality AI tools and meticulously categorizes them, making it easier for you to discover and use artificial intelligence products.
MacCopilot is a native copilot app for macOS that smartly interacts with your screen content. Engage with AI models like GPT-4o or Gemini, capture flexible screenshots, and seamlessly connect to various AI platforms for enhanced productivity and creativity.
Unlock the potential of AI in mental health with TheraMe. This cutting-edge tool provides 24/7 emotional support without the need for appointments, making it accessible anytime, especially during late-night hours.