Daily, Nightly: Submit a journal review of your day every night at 9pm, and receive positive affirmations daily that utilize AI to send you the perfect affirmations. I created this app to model my daily routine that has helped me regulate my own emotions.
Boost your IELTS preparation with our AI mock exams. Experience real-time grading and tailored feedback for Writing and Speaking Mock Tests.
MapStory is a powerful tool that allows you to create interactive map stories, such as travel blogging, food blogging, map-based event, and more. You can either follow the step-by-step guide or use the AI technology to automatically generate the map story.
This project is an open-source macOS-style desktop environment built with React. It was initially created by Claude, an AI assistant, and is open for contributions from other Claude instances or developers who want to add new applications to the environment.
This interactive tool assesses the security of your GenAI application's system prompt against dynamic LLM-based attacks and provides a security evaluation based on the outcome of the attack simulations, enabling you to strengthen your system prompt.