So you’re excited about a girl, but you’re not sure what to say next. It's ok, guys sometimes need a little help, so we created this Telegram bot. Submit a screenshot and the bot gives multiple suggestions: how to make her laugh and how to ask her on a date.
AISTECHX International is an ed-tech platform that aims to make learning fun by transforming it into learning classes.
Pressmaster is an AI platform that enables brands and agencies to create and distribute compelling articles to 3000+ magazines in 3 minutes. With our intuitive newsroom and drag&drop templates, you can organize, showcase, and track the success of your news.
Discover the power of AI with our Free Text-to-SVG Generator! Effortlessly convert your text prompts into stunning SVG images. Coming features: - New models - Categories - Multiple results from all categories
Data on Demand is an AI-powered platform that allows you to converse with your data (Excel, CSV, PDF, etc). Users can now effortlessly extract, analyze, and visualize data, Receive instant real-time insights, and make informed business strategies
Caantin AI helps you set analyze and create charts from your unstructured databases. It's like having a senior data analyst in your pocket.
Explore various ways to monetize your business idea. Equip yourself with a clear understanding of available options, their pros and cons, as well as an Implementation guide to facilitate informed decision-making. Introducing your favorite business consultant!