Our AI Research Assistant augments product teams, using automated conversations to collect customer insights at scale.
GrammarBot is a MacOS app that checks your English grammar and suggests a corrected version, fixing misspelled words, typos, or grammar mistakes. It works with a local AI model, so there's no need for subscriptions or an internet connection.
Welcome to MagicPic! Our app is here to help you create a unique and personalized ai generated avatar and profile picture that will make you stand out from the crowd. With MagicPic, you can easily create an avatar that is uniquely you.
Designed to be the first SaaS product for the 50% of undigitized businesses around the world, DOER Business brings together AI business coaches, an online digital storefront with offers and products, basic CRM functionality and more for just $5 a month.
For service, product & UX/UI designers looking for fast, new, creative ideas. Type, paste a url or upload a PDF. Unlike existing AI-driven chatbots, Design Sparks combines curated guidance from service design and creativity experts with AI reasoning.
Getting a professional headshot is the first step to a successful career. But getting a professional headshot can be expensive, time-consuming, and sometimes even stressful. Let us help you with that.
Starting out as a Github app, we give you full visibility on your organisation, helping you to manage your team effectively. We categorise code changes into different dev areas (bugs, unit tests, refactoring etc) and we estimate the effort associated with putting together a pull request. Allowing EMs to understand how their engineers spend the majority of their time between planned and unplanned work and improving their ability to cultivate an effective environment for their engineers to work.