HyperNews is a solution powered by Artificial Intelligence to support news readers to classify news and prevent Fake News.
Experience the future of digital self-expression with DuckyShot. Our advanced AI technology creates personalized digital photos that resemble you. Whether for personal or professional use, create your unique photo today and bring your digital self to life!
Streamline building, testing, deploying, and monitoring AI solutions. Data Machines combine access to a library of over 25 world class AI models with a No Code interface to configure and test your own AI solutions. Build over 15000 AI automations using multi-model configurations. Deploy and use each Data Machine in as little as few minutes.
Input a face, choose a style and get a stylized portrait. Transform your face into 16 styles with our free AI tool.
SmartVisuals.app is an AI-powered infographic generation tool that allows you to create infographics effortlessly. No design skills required! Prompt a topic and let the magic happen 🪄
Transform text-to-image, image-to-text, and even interact with documents--all in one chat interface. ImageChat is available on web and mobile. Generate an unlimited number of images, photos, and content pieces—all for free.
Happyml allows users to deploy an unlimited number of fine-tuned chatbots that can be used for customer service, help desk, support center, guest services, HR, training, and consulting among other things. Each bot is fully customizable with actions in beta.