Regardless of whether your university has blocked it. Chat everywhere with the latest GPT models at a prepaid rate. No expensive subscriptions and no surprises.
MathMate is a smart AI that helps you master math. As your playful study partner, it provides problem-solving, step-by-step explanations, and interactive exercises. Adaptable to your learning style, MathMate makes learning math fun and effective.
Transform scattered marketing data into compelling narratives with DataGems. Experience the power of data-driven storytelling with beautiful content, push notifications and voice notes.
Simply describe the recipient, your relationship with them, and the occasion - then explore personalized, hyperlinked suggestions for free!
IncarnaMind is an AI notebook that connects to your documents. With a Notion-like editor you can now create ground truth content that searches your notes and PDFs. We enable you to research faster, integrate multiple AI models and customize your workflow.
MoloAi is an Saas tool that helps business owners craft an incredible brochure for their business using AI and also send AI generated lead emails to prospects with 1 click.