Find your ideal person type on Instagram. Upload photos of people you find attractive, select your city, and our AI will find similar profiles for you. As well you can search among your Instagram friends and friends of their friends.
FitPulse is a newly-developed fitness product. It includes a personalized program automatically created, the feature to create workout from scratch, tailored set, rep and exercise, as well as the ability to ask AI to modify the workout or answer your questions
Ink Studio AI is a project built with NextJS which helps you visualize your new tattoo idea, thanks to the power of AI.
Explore, share, and launch with Orbic AI—the portal for all your AI needs! Whether you’re a creator or consumer, our platform allows anyone to register AI products, GPT Stores, and AWS PartyRock apps. Dive into a world where AI innovation thrives!
Turns text into Lego models. Designed for anyone curious about AI's creative potential, this proof of concept uses generative AI to create Ldraw code-based Lego designs from your descriptions. It's early days, and the results are intriguingly varied.
Transform your device with revolutionary AI-powered wallpaper app that brings a unique, dynamic touch to your screen. Each wallpaper is a masterpiece, generated by cutting-edge AI and refined by talented designers to offer you a visually stunning experience. helps people tell and consume stories. Enter a prompt, get an editable film, book, tiktok, and more. Browse our feed for ideas.