Unfated.Ai is a news aggregator focused on how people are using AI with no ads or clickbait. Only great stories upvoted by your peers.
Now we provide 2 game mode: 1.random chat will someone, you need to figure out if it was a AI bot or not 2.Replica,you can keep some secret info in the AI bot,and let your friends to degen
Are you tired of spending hours crafting the perfect social media posts? Say goodbye to the struggle and welcome to Spark, the ultimate solution for creating innovative, funny, cool, and informative posts effortlessly, powered by ChatGPT
Explore AIProductHub.com for discovering the latest AI products, technologies, and indie creations. Stay updated with current AI news, browse through cutting-edge tools, and engage with a vibrant community of AI enthusiasts and professionals.
ShareCalude is a Chrome extension that lets you share Calude/ChatGPT conversations with one click. With Calude you get a lot of conversations and answers, use ShareCalude to easily share permanent links to Calude conversations with your friends.