AuthGPTs make API security simple. Implement OAuth2, analytics, and payment systems quickly and easily.
AI or Not is an AI detector trusted by 100k+ users that checks for AI generated content in images, audio, KYC identity documents and more. We help businesses stop fraud, power content moderation and prevent KYC scams.
This product contains a demonstration of Recognito's face recognition SDK for mobile. The SDK includes advanced features such as face recognition, liveness detection, and pose estimation. • NIST FRVT Top 1 Algorithm • On-premise • Real-time • Fully-offline
The simple, cost-effective, & very powerful way to acquire, engage, retain, monetize, and analyze users using Avatars. It takes less than 15 min to integrate our SDK, and you can start earning revenue from Day Free for development, then pay as you go pricing.
AuthentiGPT: Simple, reliable way to verify or certify human authorship in texts. Reduces false positives, ensuring genuine, human-crafted content for publishers, educators, and students. 📖✍️🔎
TrustauthX is an AI based Low-code platform made to make developer’s life easier, help businesses save their precious resources and time. Implement enterprise grade Authentication/Backend/Cloud within minutes.
AgentLabs is an open-source and full-featured UI as a service for building chat-based AI Assistants in a snap. Our SDK is backend-agnostic and easy to use. It provides built-in real-time, async I/O, conversation persistence, and more.