is an AI/ML product that helps Instagram Marketers craft better posts in half the time. gives: 1. Improvement suggestions for better engagement. 2. Curated hashtags and caption ideas to save a lot of crafting time.
Use Natural Language Processing to review massive collections of research papers or patents: find the right documents, extract all their key data or identify the most precise pieces of knowledge.
INK is an all-in-one AI content suite which combines AI writing, AI assistant, AI images, AI SEO, AI keyword research, AI keyword clustering, AI Detection, and much, much more, in a in a single, affordable subscription. INK is not another GPT wrapper - since 2019 we have helped content marketers, business owners and agencies take advantage of our patented performance technology to soar past the competition.
Fakespot spots, analyzes and identifies fake reviews and counterfeits - helping you out when buying stuff online.
Phrasee is AI that specialises in language generation for marketing copy. We use artificial intelligence to generate language for Facebook, Push and Email Marketing on a client-to-client basis. The result? Increased opens, clicks, and conversions for o...
Rescam is an AI bot that sends authentic-sounding automated replies to phishers' messages, tying them up in the process of chasing a lead.