We've curated the best Midjourney Prompts in one place. Discover, copy and paste prompts in Midjourney to get professional-level images, for free!
Make Upwork proposals easier with BidBuilder. It simplifies the process, blending AI precision with personalized touch. Just enter the job details and your experience to receive polished proposals that get you hired. Save time, stand out, and succeed!
Control your data, protect your privacy, and enjoy seamless integrations across your web apps and services. All data is kept locally on your device, for data protection. Use AI with full data protection, and say hello to your secure AI copilot experience.
Ernie.AI is trained off earnings reports of the top companies in the S&P 500 to answer questions regarding company financials. The purpose is to empower investors to make educated financial decisions and create an innovative way to search through documents.
Unleash the power of AI with Cinemaly! Effortlessly search for famous and upcoming movies, view detailed information, stunning images, and ratings. Intelligent assistant lets you find the perfect film by simply writing short sentences.
IC Light AI enhances your photos with AI-driven lighting adjustments and background transformations. Simply upload your image, select the light direction, and describe the background you want to effortlessly change the original lighting and background.
AI or Not is an AI detector trusted by 100k+ users that checks for AI generated content in images, audio, KYC identity documents and more. We help businesses stop fraud, power content moderation and prevent KYC scams.