LearnHouse enables you to start World-class Online Universities, Trainings, Bootcamps, Courses in any format you'd want and with LearnHouse AI, students can ask specific questions about your courses and they get replies based on the actual course.
ALBACUB uses AI to generate unique names for your game or novel characters. Get names for dragons, elves, orcs, dwarves, and towns instantly. Enhance your storytelling with creative, AI-generated names.
Not much different from numerous recipe generators you will see out there, however planning to evolve this into a wholesome recipe manager that would work on your local devices.
Magic Tales can help you create a Personalized, printed illustrated children for a child in your life. We offer a curated set of educational and developmental topics relevant for the child's age, and can personalize with their hobbies, favorites, family, etc.
With the help of ChatGPT, transform your spoken words into better written emails, documents, and more, all while speeding up your writing workflow on macOS.