Calculate calories and nutritional value instantly. Enter ingredients and serving size for detailed nutrition facts on fats, proteins, carbs, etc. * Nutritional breakdown * Create meal plans for the whole week * Add recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
ChatGPT is underrated due to its vast generic training data. Our solution - put real people behind AI’s answers. Wanna join ReAI and help people understand your field better? Train our models and get paid for your contribution.
Claude is a Raycast extension allowing users to interact with Anthropic's Claude AI models directly from their command bar. Users can ask questions, customize responses, continue conversations, and save answers. The extension requires an API key.
Curriculo is dedicated to revolutionizing the resume-building experience through the power of LLMs & prompt engineering. By offering editable PDFs, we ensure every individual has the opportunity to tailor their resume to perfection.
Experience ZuckerBot by Our demo lets you try AI-driven ad creation firsthand. Create and manage ads effortlessly with powerful automation and optimization tools.
Lazy AI turns the traditional software development process on its head. Now you can create and deploy full stack web applications with prompts! 🤯 Bring your creativity, logic and a sense of fun - get ready to wordsmith software!
A free lightning fast snapshot of your website. SEO, Social OG Image previews, web vitals and more. You can even get AI recommendations for seo improvements.