Our OCR service revolutionizes text extraction from images and PDFs. Utilizing cutting-edge tech, it converts printed and handwritten text into digital formats (JSON, XML). Experience high accuracy, versatile input options, and secure access.
HingeOpeners lets you upload screenshots of your match's prompts and generates opening conversation starters tailored to that person.
ChatGPTFirewall is a web-based application that allows users to upload files, ask questions in natural language, and receive contextual answers based on a vector data base and a large language model.
Afri AI is an AI-powered media creation studio that makes advanced intelligence accessible to generate killer text, images, audio and more. Image generation - Remove backgrounds- Increase image resolution and enhance quality- Text-to-speech-Speech to text
A revolutionary generative model that takes 3D technology to the next level. Based on Stable Video Diffusion, SV3D delivers significantly improved quality and view-consistency for novel view synthesis and 3D generation from single images.
An unbiased, censorship-free AI Search Engine and Chat platform. Do an hour of research in minutes. Chat about any topic without restriction.
QR Art CodeIntroducing the revolutionary AI Art QR Code, the cutting-edge technology that allows you to generate artistic QR codes in a matter of seconds.