Daily, Nightly: Submit a journal review of your day every night at 9pm, and receive positive affirmations daily that utilize AI to send you the perfect affirmations. I created this app to model my daily routine that has helped me regulate my own emotions.
Creative platform allowing users to create unique images from text prompts and print them on physical mediums. Generate, select, and purchase easily with secure Stripe payments. Bring your creative visions to life with just a few clicks!
Simple AI-based cult detector using OpenAI’s latest GPT model. It’s completely free and intended for entertainment purposes only. You type in a search term (organization, public figure, trend, etc.) and it gives you its classification on a “cult spectrum”.
The unique platform to find a prompt design tool, an OpenAI-integrated chatbot, a GPTZero-integrated AI-generated content detector, and a humanization tool is an innovative entrepreneurial idea aimed at revolutionizing how people interact with technology.
I developed an AI Math Helper app that solves math problems efficiently. This tool provides step-by-step solutions, making it easier for students to understand and learn various mathematical concepts.
Discover The Unreasonable AI: where AI meets humor! Dive into our wacky experiments and explore the whimsical side of artificial intelligence. Ready to laugh and redefine possibilities? Join the fun!
Feeling down is normal, but talking to people about it isn't normalised. Our AI webapp allows anybody to access insanely great therapy in seconds, for free! 🚀 Try the link and ask it anything - 100% guaranteed to be better than not talking!