KnowBuddy is a Whatsapp chatbot powered by a growing list of powerful AI models and services (including ChatGPT to help answer questions and perform tasks of various kinds. It is an easy, secure, and reliable way to use AI to improve your everyday life.
Molla helps you stay focused on your goals by redirecting away from specific content that is not aligned with them, instead of blocking sites altogether. If you find yourself getting distracted by recommended YouTube videos, Molla will help guide you away.
The Luma AI Video Generator playground, free, no login Luma has released Dream Machine, an AI model designed to create high-quality, and fantastical videos from text instructions and images.
Get quick summaries of web pages with TL;DR in 3 bullet points and chat with the page to get only the information you need.
PlainCanvas harnesses GPT-4 and DALL-E enhancing your prompt and output experience with ability to Cast AI art to any hardware display screen. Other functions includes: Text to audio. OCR PDF scan input for ChatGPT chat. Web content summarisation.
Campana scours the web and finds out everything about your competitors so you can focus on what matters. Get historical data about your competitors' traffic, SEO stats, page changes, and business performance metrics.