Meet Ayraa. Your personal search engine and knowledge assistant at work. Ayraa connects with Slack & your web browser to instantly capture & organize everything you do at work. A search & answer bot for your work chat & browsing history.
Build AI Chatbot powered by ChatGPT or Llama 3 in minutes, no coding. This custom AI Chatbot to help you run your business with customer support and lead generation 24/7. With Memory management, your bot work better to serve your customer like human agent
Make Procurement Easy for Everyone with our Intake Management Software. Reduce intake friction and enhance user experience with GenAI-powered solutions. Enjoy a 70% faster intake time, empowering users and optimizing processes.
Streamline your job hunt with AiJ: the app that uses AI to apply for the best Indeed jobs based on your resume. Fast, effortless, effective.
SABIE is an AI-powered conversational platform for students who are stuck in Google searches, irrelevant, generic, outdated, and unreliable information. We provide verified, up-to-date answers to the questions a student can have in their study abroad journey.
TattooDesignPro transform your imagination into stunning Tattoo in various styles using AI Magic! Whether you start with a simple prompt or upload an existing sketch, our app transforms your ideas into beautiful tattoos in limitless styles.