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PrepBuddy, founded by ex-McKinsey consultants, offers AI-driven consulting case interview prep with real-time feedback, expert-crafted cases, and flexible practice anytime, anywhere to help you excel your interviews.
Transform your device with revolutionary AI-powered wallpaper app that brings a unique, dynamic touch to your screen. Each wallpaper is a masterpiece, generated by cutting-edge AI and refined by talented designers to offer you a visually stunning experience.
Snaplet Seed is an AI-powered tool that lets developers automatically seed their relational databases with realistic, production-like mock data using Typescript.
Did you know the majority of content is watched on mute? With EasyTranscribe, you can solve your transcription problems from end to end using our powerful AI models to recognize your speech to generate accurate transcripts, srt, and vtt files. leverages AI to offer personalized, professional resignation letters. Tailor your farewell with options for tone, specific assistance, and a parting message, ensuring a graceful exit from any position.
This weekly digest aims to kill the pain of navigating the vast ocean of GitHub repositories to find the gems. We use AI to analyze each repository's details and serve you with curated summary with high infomation density and low noise. We also provide audio version if you TLDR.