leverages AI to streamline ecommerce operations for SMBs. Our mission is to empower small businesses with data-driven digital capabilities previously only accessible to large enterprises, enabling fair competition.
Simple AI-based cult detector using OpenAI’s latest GPT model. It’s completely free and intended for entertainment purposes only. You type in a search term (organization, public figure, trend, etc.) and it gives you its classification on a “cult spectrum”.
Unlock 50+ AI training courses: Sales & Content Creation mastery, Sales Executive Toolkit, Marketing Meets AI, AI Video Creation, Podcasting 101. Gain frameworks, templates for entrepreneurial growth.
The Luma AI Video Generator playground, free, no login Luma has released Dream Machine, an AI model designed to create high-quality, and fantastical videos from text instructions and images.
"Use Apple CoreML" An app that uses Apple's machine learning model for AI-based photo editing, without any network requests or servers, ensuring complete protection of user photo privacy. Compatible with early iOS 15 devices!
Supercharge your chatgpt experience with GenExpert. Unleash the power of customizable GPT models, captivating prompts, and documents with AI auto-completion. Effortlessly create top-notch content, save time, and enjoy ultimate privacy and security.