Save ChatGPT to Obsidian Markdown File is your ultimate solution for seamlessly managing your ChatGPT-generated chat logs. Say goodbye to scattered conversations and hello to organized notes with just a click!
Ace is Chat GPT for startup law. Ace is more accurate than Chat GPT because it's trained on over 240,000 words of verified legal writing. In addition to giving you answers, Ace also provides links to verified legal writing if you want to read further. He helps you get authoritative answers to basic startup legal questions instantly for free. With Ace you don't need to worry about AI hallucinations or slow and expensive lawyers.
Dream Meaning is an innovative AI-powered dream analysis app that helps you unravel the mysteries behind your dreams. Discover the hidden meanings, symbolism, and messages within your dreams with the advanced capabilities of artificial intelligence.
Just enter the theme of the lyrics, take advantage of the hot topic, and make the name more prominent. The key is that there is no need to log in and it is free to use.
With Draw.AI you can draw anything with just a few strokes. Combine your own drawings with AI, draw anything on a blank canvas and use AI to create the most amazing details.
Fusion Copilot is a mobile app that uses personalized prompts (notifications) to help you: • Understand the impact of your daily actions on emotional and physical health • Track areas that are most important to you, such as health, productivity, moods, activity, fitness, and more. • Gain insights and intelligent suggestions tailored to your individual needs to help you guide your actions.