Create and train a custom ChatGPT-powered chatbot for your website. Train it on your website's links or plain text. Review chatbot's dialogs and answer customers yourself in Telegram. Ask for users' emails
An minimalistic MidJourney API with Stripe, PayPal and BTC/Lightning payments. Test it without a discord account. Follow-up on previous imagine tasks to create variations/upscale/zoom etc. New accounts get 1-Day free quota. Developer UX is priority #1
Ever lost focus while you were working and got stuck at something? Ever wanted to make that post sound that it did? Ever wanted to do a blog post but can't find the content? and the list goes on twitti is a chrome extension for quick answers, engagement etc.
Gather high-quality text-to-image prompts and test the performance of different models with the same prompts
With Swift AI you can reach AI assistant quickly anywhere of your screen using many shortcuts like floating widget, home screen widget, or even when you select a text. discover it now
ChatGPTFirewall is a web-based application that allows users to upload files, ask questions in natural language, and receive contextual answers based on a vector data base and a large language model.