AI-Coach enhances social-emotional competencies and pitching skills via analysis of non-verbal cues, voice, and language. It provides personalized guidance, prediction score of success & actionable insights to win any career or business conversations.
R2 Copilot is a privacy-centric, GPT-powered AI assistant for business communications. R2 Copilot is available as an add-in for Microsoft Office 365 products, social media platforms, and as an extension for various online services and applications.
We have assembled the world's top AI. You can perform text chat, picture generation, music generation, video generation, etc. in ppword. And can exchange each other's works with each other.
AI platform with Claude 3, Gemini AI, and GPT text assistants. Seamlessly switch between them, powered by NVIDIA T4, A40, A100 GPUs. Image and audio tools, including Stable Diffusion XL, ensure comprehensive AI capabilities with lightning-fast results.
Sollutin helps educational businesses to significantly lower operational costs by automating the manual work of tutors and coordinators with personalized AI learning companion.