Create photorealistic wallpapers out of your name. Ever imagined your name sizzling in intense flames? We got you, drop it like it's hot! Or maybe you're more of an ice-crystal queen or king? Your name can sparkle in frosty ice. So come on, make it lit! 🔥
Transform your device with revolutionary AI-powered wallpaper app that brings a unique, dynamic touch to your screen. Each wallpaper is a masterpiece, generated by cutting-edge AI and refined by talented designers to offer you a visually stunning experience.
Browser Buddy is a powerful extension for Google Chrome, allowing you to interact with ChatGPT from any tab. A side panel keeps ChatGPT and browsing together. Stay productive, keep your privacy intact, and never let your chat history leave your browser.
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Tired of awkward and unreliable translations from Google Translate? Enter Langy, your go-to AI translator app that outshines the rest.