Vantage Discovery is a generative AI-powered SaaS platform that enables intelligent search, discovery, and personalized recommendations so websites can deliver breathtaking customer experiences.
Mathify is an interactive learning platform that uses AI-powered technology to make learning easy, engaging, and personalized. They offer a variety of subjects including Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Languages, Literature, and Social Studies.
Explore a new way to enhance your English skills with our AI English Practice app. Engage in interactive sessions powered by AI to improve your writing skills.
Welcome to WordVault AI. WordVault harnesses the power of AI to provide dynamic word learning and grammar boosts. Say goodbye to static definitions – with WordVault, every flashcard session is a personalized journey of discovery.
Inflection-2.5 approaches GPT-4’s performance, but used only 40% of the amount of compute for training. It couples raw capability with Inflection's signature personality and unique empathetic fine-tuning.
MultiDB QueryFlex is an all-in-one Database Query Generator designed for developers working with various database systems like SQL, PostgreSQL, Firebase, MongoDB, Prisma, or other platforms.
Social360 leverages advanced AI to stay ahead of dynamic social media trends, provides access to expert talent, and strategically enhances customer engagement for lasting relationships.