Vizly is an AI-powered data analysis tool that let's users analyze data, train machine learning models and generate interactive visuals all using natural language.
Your Personalized AI Book Recommendations This tool is designed to analyze your reading history and personal preferences to suggest books that you're bound to love.
What used to take you days to do is now just a click away. Generate product sheets using your own prompts and abolish repetitive work to make way for productivity and competence. Mass product sheet generation with personalized prompts
A cross-platform desktop client for the jailbroken New Bing AI (Sydney ver.) built with Go and Wails (previously based on Python and Qt). Let's jailbreak New Bing with parameter tweaks (optionsSets) and prompt injection!
Embark on a journey through the pages of imagination with Storybook Magic – Your Personal AI Storyteller in Your Pocket! Unveil the wonders of storytelling with Storybook Magic, the innovative mobile app that redefines the art of story creation and enjoyment.
Our AI Research Assistant augments product teams, using automated conversations to collect customer insights at scale.