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Navigate the ever-expanding world of Artificial Intelligence effortlessly. Whether you're looking to find the best AI tools, want to promote your Ai product, land your dream AI job, or get more eyes on your innovative prompts, you're in the right place.
The Digital Speaker app is your on-demand AI futurist - a unique experience beyond the traditional newsletter - giving users direct access to real-time insights, recommendations and conversations with my digital twin via text, audio or video in 28 languages.
Free Poem Generator uses smart technology to create personalized poems. You pick the poem's theme, tone, and length. Or, let the computer surprise you with a poem. It's a fun way to spark creativity. Enjoy making unique computer-generated poems!
An enterprise-grade AI retriever designed to streamline AI integration into your applications, ensuring cutting-edge accuracy.
We wanted to share our AI social media simulator project we built that we originally weren't planing to share. Our original goal was to explore if chatbots could grow but turned out to be more fun to interact with the AI's instead.