Just paste a link to any article, website, or blog post, and resuaudio converts it into a concise summary. But that's not all - it then transforms this summary into audio.
AI Band is an innovative application that takes your music creation experience to a completely new level. Thanks to this application, users can create their own virtual groups and produce artificial intelligence-based music with these groups.
This is not another API call to Replicate. I've optimized every knob there is to turn for Dreambooth training and believe I have created one of the best professional headshot offerings on the market.
Dexscan AI is a personalised news AI allowing you to prompt whatever specific news you want to listen to that day. You can personalise three topics as niche as you'd like and specify the length of time you want the news briefing to be. Feedback appreciated!
Imagine a system that truly understands you and your unique personality, and knows each member of your team in the same in-depth way! Get the best out of everyone to become a truly high-performing, cohesive team.
Meditia is the perfect app for meditating, it creates AI meditations based on your mood and needs. Just tell Meditia how you feel, your physical pains, tell it about your day and it will tailor a perfect meditation to you. Available for iOS and Android.
Zendesk AI is wayyy too expensive for most startups, plus it's been built for e-commerce, not SaaS, so we made a Zendesk app that'll give you 80% of Zendesk AI's features (+ a few it doesn't have) for ~20% of the price.