Personal AI assistant to handle note taking and events scheduling seamlessly with an chat interface that helps you not to lose track of anything!
A singular mind palace that converts ideas to executable actions. Imagine controlling Mail, Calendar, Notes, Slack, GitHub,.. with an intuitive command center without traditional boundaries set by normal software. Revolutionize how you interact with software!
Unlock the true power of ChatGPT with our Free Google Chrome extension. Bookmark, save & organize your best prompt templates and GPTs all in one place and access instantly with a click. Works perfectly with ChatGPT Free, ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team accounts.
"Amazing accuracy. The best AI transcription tool I've ever used." TurboScribe converts audio and video to accurate text in seconds.
Gain a competitive edge in channel sales with our comprehensive e-book, "ChatGPT Prompts for Channel Sales Person."
Jan runs 100% offline on your computer, utilizes open-source AI models, prioritizes privacy, and is highly customizable.You can download Jan for Windows, Mac or Linux. Mobile coming soon.