We deliver weekly collections of high quality visuals and a library of pre generated AI prompts to help businesses creators improve their branding, website and marketing. Zero cost and free use quality digital assets.
We’re on a journey to advance and democratize artificial intelligence through open source and open science.
Fine-tune GPT effortlessly. Chat with our AI, and watch it craft a dataset from scratch ready for fine-tuning, all based on your needs.
Build and Deploy a solution in an afternoon. We enable anyone to build and launch fully functional web applications without writing code. Turn a simple english prompt to a platform in minutes
Use chatgpt to read the content of each file under your folder, and then according to the content to categorize these files into different folders, it can be very convenient to categorize and organize the text files in your computer.
Enjoy seamless AI chat, search, summarization, and browsing with the best AI models, including GPT-4, GPT-4o, Claude, Gemini, Moonshot, & LLaMA3, all from your browser sidebar. No more page-hopping, just pure productivity. Free alternative to Sider & Monica.
Personality First is an innovative app that leverages your personality characteristics and traits for all our modules. Al Psychologist, Physiotherapist & Dream Analysis