AI or Not is an AI detector trusted by 100k+ users that checks for AI generated content in images, audio, KYC identity documents and more. We help businesses stop fraud, power content moderation and prevent KYC scams.
Whether you're a busy go-getter or a professional hustler, missing calls is inevitable. Yet, every day we're using technology that is older than the internet to manage our missed calls... It's time to replace outdated voicemail technology, to the future. An AI Phone agent - and it's free. Meet Lucy - our latest product and our most ground breaking. A free upgrade for your voicemail, connect within 5 minutes and have AI take the calls you don't want to answer.
AFAnotes for Slack helps engineering teams get updates relevant to their roles; saving valuable time on catchup work using AI.
rabbit inc. is an AI startup developing a personalized operating system (OS) through a natural language interface and dedicated, affordable consumer hardware to host the OS. rabbit OS is capable of understanding complex user intentions, operating user interfaces, and performing actions on behalf of the user. The key technology powering rabbit OS is the Large Action Model (LAM), a new type of foundation model that understands human intentions on computers.
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AI interview software for screening which allow to interview all your applicants and find right talents hidden behind uninformative and vague CVs. Best replacement for one-way video interviews.
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