B2B SaaS product that enables Enterprise with advanced AI-powered single ecosystem to manage all their safety process in one place. Applicable across industries like Telecom Infrastructure, Mining, Manufacturing, Construction, Energy and Utilities.
AI or Not is an AI detector trusted by 100k+ users that checks for AI generated content in images, audio, KYC identity documents and more. We help businesses stop fraud, power content moderation and prevent KYC scams.
SpeedLegal is an AI tool that helps you understand and negotiate contracts better. It can quickly identify potential risks and explain complicated legal terms in simple language. SpeedLegal also gives you personalized suggestions to improve your contract.
JobTailor.ai provides a platform for individuals to tailor their job search and find opportunities that align with their specific preferences and requirements.
The fastest, easiest way to grab the HTML for web pages rendered via Javascript. A must have tool for your next web scraping, RAG for LLM/AI, or other content indexing project.
Verifai is an answer engine for US immigration that searches through and presents information from a variety of sources (like USCIS, Reddit and VisaJourney) so you get a complete picture that 100% reliable and grounded in facts.