8Arc is an AI generated text-to-short-movie platform. You can type in a short description, or a whole screenplay, and let 8Arc generate the movie for you! 8Arc will generate the story, characters (including voice), scenery, etc. You just sit back and watch once it is completely generated. No need to gather files, stitch together on a timeline, etc. Just create, iterate, and create again! Get your creative juices gushing!
Take anything you're learning about, from a lecture, to your own writing, to an image, and it will create some sweet sweet chill music for you. If it's audio or a lecture, the music will be fit to the lecture! More coming soon.
KnoWhiz is an AI-powered learning tool to revolutionize autonomous learning. Users input learning objectives or textual materials, and KnoWhiz can auto-generate structured learning, and adjust learning content from cumulative outcomes like quizzes and tests
Z4 Studios specializes in AI-driven digital marketing, focusing on optimizing content for Google's Search Generative Experience (SGE) with its Gemini tool. This service aims to enhance SEO for better visibility and engagement in SGE searches, using advanced AI to improve content discoverability and relevance. Ideal for businesses looking to increase their online presence efficiently within Google's evolving search algorithms.
AI Tools Diary is your premier destination where we bring together a vast array of AI tools under one virtual roof.
Generate a tailored name for your baby using our AI-powered baby name generator. Fill in the form below, hit generate and receive 10 free baby name ideas