Upload a photo and become a PS2 character in seconds. Share your new look on social media and go viral! Bring back the nostalgic retro gaming vibe.
Anantya.ai is your dedicated business partner, assisting companies like yours in leveraging the WhatsApp Business API. With user-friendly features such as Broadcasting, Automation, Live Chat, WhatsApp Catalogues, and Click-to-WhatsApp Ads.
We created a customized AI-assistant that lets you share memories (over voice or text) and writes a heartfelt letter + cool shareable graphic) that will automatically be sent to you over email or text. We just built the MVP and are looking for validation :)
Super T is just a simple service help you get unique design T-Shirts you want. No design skills needed, just describe what you want to see on your T-Shirt and let AI design it for you. Then press the buy button and wait for delivery of the dream T-Shirt.
Prepvil improves meal quality as a recipe sharing platform, and AI assistant. We aspire to expand into nutrition planning, ingredient selection, personalized meal planning, cookware recommendations, and supplying fresh ingredients.
Slidecast's AI Presentation Maker generates presentations from scratch. The powerful AI tools create mesmerizing and insightful presentations. You can share them through QR codes, text, URLs, and emails.