12th is the app for die-hard football fans. You can get behind-the-scenes access to insider news straight from the footballer’s mouth. Stay up-to-date with the latest updates from your favorite clubs and players, all in one place.
StockTune offers a vast library of AI-generated, public-domain music for content creators. Elevate your projects with high-quality, royalty-free tracks across various genres. Unlock endless musical possibilities with StockTune.
Betweenquiz uses AI to make a quiz on whatever topic you fancy, and then evaluates the quiz for you in the end.
Build and deploy ML models with ease using Semiring. Start with 5 data samples to craft datasets, fine-tune with our models, and deploy via a simple API. No ML know-how is needed.
Voxio is a mobile recording app that will transform any audio into concise notes. You can create notes from meetings, lectures, interviews, but also personal memos just by speaking to your phone or write formal emails, only with your voice.
This tool leverages Ai to generate music prompts based on user thought, including genre, theme, melody, and more. With the ability to customize musical elements down to the finest detail, users can quickly obtain inspiration, overcome creative blocks.
Canvas is an open-source, native macOS app that allows you to explore OpenAI's DALL·E capabilities like image generation, editing, and variations.