Doodle Play is a fun drawing game where you solve challenges by drawing and the AI judges whether your solution meets the challenge. There are no fixed answers, so use your imagination. You can also create your own challenges and share them with others.
TGS is a conversational shell that combines the power of Rust with the intelligence of GPT-based natural language processing. Designed as a spinoff of the TerminalGPT project, TGS aims to redefine the way users interact with their terminals.
Craft compelling narratives and impactful text with ease. From social media captions to blog post headlines, our generator ensures your words are as powerful as your vision.
Cascaid blends AI and human creativity, offering creatives AI-powered tools for swift idea realization. Our rapid AI generation enables easy image crafting without the complexity of AI engineering.
Puzzle, Rotate, and 3D Shapes. These three Captcha challenges will stop your TikTok automation dead in its tracks. With SadCaptcha, you can consider those problems solved and start scaling up.