The unique platform to find a prompt design tool, an OpenAI-integrated chatbot, a GPTZero-integrated AI-generated content detector, and a humanization tool is an innovative entrepreneurial idea aimed at revolutionizing how people interact with technology.
Unlock the future of creativity with Imaginate! Craft images from text, effortlessly edit photos using simple instructions, erase backgrounds, and reimagine visuals. Join now to redefine your artistry and shape the future of visual storytelling.
π See real-time conversational data on your personal dashboard π Search chat data easily with natural language (find sessions where...) π¬ Analyze subjective data with your AI Copilot π Easily link to your data with our SDK π We're SOC II compliant
Zeel Walls is our enthusiastic take on AI Wallpapers. We Update Zeel Walls every day to provide Fresh content and we're sure that it'll become your favorite wall app with the quality of content we have to offer. we're constantly working on improving it
Take anything you're learning about, from a lecture, to your own writing, to an image, and it will create some sweet sweet chill music for you. If it's audio or a lecture, the music will be fit to the lecture! More coming soon.
Create infinite recipe possibilities with DishGen's AI Recipe Generator. Enter a prompt with ingredients on hand and get custom-tailored recipes in seconds. Use what you have to reduce waste and save money. Over 70,000 recipes already generated!