Are you tired of falling victim to scams or unsure about the legitimacy of offers and services? Meet Scam Alert, the all-in-one platform designed to safeguard you from fraud and help you make informed decisions.
AI Voiceovers, speaking like human. Free to choose 100+ languages with more thousands of character voices and background music
Just paste a link to any article, website, or blog post, and resuaudio converts it into a concise summary. But that's not all - it then transforms this summary into audio.
Inbound is an all-in-one lead qualification & scheduling tool for businesses. Easily capture and convert leads with engaging, conversationally-styled forms.
ConsoleX is a unified LLM playground that incorporates chat interfaces, LLM API playground, and batch evaluation, supporting all mainstream LLMs and many enhanced features than the official playgrounds.
"TECH CITIZEN" by Lucas Oliveira offers an insightful journey through urgent global and IT issues in Brazil, with a fresh twist on his online posts, aimed to deepen understanding and spark rich conversations. A timeless, thought-provoking read.
Hurree is more than a dashboard platform, it is the beating heart of your data ecosystem. Our goal is to transform the way businesses centralize, visualize, and collaborate on their data. At Hurree, we've simplified your analytics process, fostering collaboration, and delivering impactful results all within a single, intuitive platform. Say goodbye to countless hours spent piecing together data from various tools and platforms.