Text to speech Telegram bot @AiBroadcastBot will automate audio Broadcasting& With @AiBroadcastBot, channel owners can set up audio broadcasting directly within Telegram, eliminating the need for external services and create own radio station or podcast!
Happyml allows users to deploy an unlimited number of fine-tuned chatbots that can be used for customer service, help desk, support center, guest services, HR, training, and consulting among other things. Each bot is fully customizable with actions in beta.
Explore an extensive directory of AI tools and technologies at HLW.AI. Find innovative solutions for text validation, SEO services, content creation, collaborative learning, and lead generation. Navigate the world of AI with us!
QuickCEP is an AI-Powered Chatbots for Shopify. increased Conversions, Sales, and Support. Integrate AI with Human assistance to ensure Top-notch customer service. AI Chat and Bot: Provide a full range of social media interaction capabilities, including rich preset interactive scene templates and simplified customer engagement. Marketing Automation: Gives merchants the tools to automate their marketing outreach and create personalized marketing experiences for each customer.
Ai Employees that are custom trained to work for you! SMS outreach to chase leads, nurture leads, qualify leads, book appointments, follow up, recommend products, generate reviews, and much more. The customization of each Ai Employee is a must see! Create Ai Employees in under 5 minutes with a single prompt. Cost is as little as 41 center per hour! We are a done for you platform, but no tech skills are required to learn. 30 Day Trial-NO CARD REQUIRED Schedule demo, https://www.agentsgpt.ai/josh
Dad Can't Draw started out as a CLI tool I used to create coloring pages that my kids actually wanted to color.