Get advice, insights, ideas and have intellectual discussions with the world's #1 AI entrepreneur. Trained on an extensive dataset of interviews, speeches, and videos, this chatbot is not just another virtual assistant. He can help you with anything.
Add a generative AI-powered chatbot into your WordPress website for free. Use 10+ open-source languages including Gemma 7B, Supervised Open 3.5 Turbo, Open 7.0 max, Mythomist, etc. right into your blog.
Meet our GPT, which links to your financial apps such as Cash App or Robinhood and can intelligently answer questions and perform actions all within ChatGPT. GPT's Capabilities: - Check your balances - Chat about your spending - Transfer $ - Buy / sell stocks
FuddleAI revolutionizes your diet with AI-powered nutritionist services, offering personalized meal plans, pantry management, and quick, healthy recipes tailored to your preferences and health goals.
Rapidly prototype, speed up iteration and seamlessly deploy 150+ embedding models. Build powerful AI applications and transform your retrieval stack.
Chat with your documents (pdf, csv, txt, & many more), youtube videos, audio & urls. Add multiple OpenAI settings & use multiple OpenAI accounts to separate clients. Use setting on per document basis or globally.
FibonacciKu is a personalized AI learning assistant designed specifically for teachers and students. Start using AI for your personal tutor instead of cheating. We bridge the gap between education and technology, ensuring that teachers and students have effective and fun learning. Just ask anything!